3 Truths About Divorce

I find myself wanting to share my personal ups and downs in hopes to help anyone that went through or are going through the same situations as me in any way I can. Growing up, you never think to yourself ''my parents will divorce'' or ''my family won't be the same family anymore'. As a matter of fact, it has always been my biggest fear and my worst nightmare.  I've seen so many of my close friends go through the hardships of messy separations and just how sad and empty it made them feel inside.  I never thought I would have to go through such a terrible thing. My parents told me they we're separating and parting ways in October of 2015. I was turning 19 at the time. I've felt so many different emotions in the past 2 years and have lived through many mentally frustrating battles about this defining moment in my life. Here are 3 honest truths about divorce.

It's probably for the better

Although it might seem hard to wrap your head around, if your parents were convinced it was healthier for you and themselves to get a divorce, it was probably for the better. I'm not saying it's easy to understand or that it will make you feel any better about the situation but just know its for the best. The first year, I remember being extremely frustrated, angry, anxious and terribly sad about my parents not being together anymore; Which, to be fair, is totally normal. But then I started thinking about how negative and toxic our family dynamic was becoming and my views and opinions on the matter slowly started to change; I wasn't happy in the months leading up to my parents' separation and neither were they. Now, my parents are best friends and I can honestly say that they have a better, happier and healthier relationship than they did the past couple years. Even MY relationship with both my parents got drastically stronger. I know I'm speaking based on my parents having had a very  friendly and civil divorce but even though every family situation is different, the moral remains the same: If your parents were unhappy and you were unhappy seeing your two favourite people disagree and fight over little things and that the vibes and the dynamics of your clan were troubled, I think it's safe to say that it's better for everyone to be able to focus on themselves and be happy, wether that's by being together or not.

 My rock 

 My best friend

It won't get any easier

I'll be the first one to admit that it will never get easier. I'm going on my third year of my family not being the same anymore and nothing in the world will ever be able to make the sad and bothered feeling in the pit of my stomach go away. That's just the truth. You will definitely go through a lot of personal ups and downs trying to figure out if you, yourself, could've done anything differently in order for your parents to still be together to this day. You will FOREVER have this little voice inside your head giving you a glimpse of hope that one day, your family could be whole again. I won't sit here and say that it won't hurt or that some days you won't just want to cry and throw your fist in the wall but I can assure you that you will find ways to cope with the pain and you will find a way to be positive in the midst of all your hurt and sadness.  My tip is to get all of your emotions out! Wether it be by writing pages and pages in your diary, talking to yourself before bed or simply talking to your parents about what you're going through emotionally; After all, they are the two people in the world who will always be there for you no matter what.

You're not alone

To all you cuties out there that have gone through or are currently going through this, just know you are not alone! There are so many resources available for you and you should accept them with open arms.  Do some research about ways to cope with the pain, read an inspiring book, find a passion of yours that is buried deep down inside, go out with your friends and most of all, don't everrrr forget that you are deserving of all of the good things in life.


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