2 reasons why you should be proud to be different

If you're someone that never really fit in with the kids in high school, someone who is more of an introvert than a extrovert and who would rather keep to himself or someone that feels happier alone or surrounded by a very small group of people, you've probably been considered different your entire life. It's sad to say but nowadays if you don't fit the society's idea of what a teenager or a young adult should be like, you're more than likely seen as an outcast. I myself have struggled with being different than most people my age my entire life and only roughly 2 years ago did I finally realize that being different is in fact a wonderful attribute and that I should be proud of being unique rather than try to change myself for the sake of others. The world needs more ''different''.

Being different is beautiful and one of a kind 

I can't put enough emphasis on this one. I've always been different than most girls my age as I honestly didn't care if I blended in to society's norm or not. I've always worn different coloured socks, I never dressed inappropriately to impress, I didn't care if people tried to bring me down and most of all, I was always a very happy. Only around grade 9 did I start to be a little embarrassed and ashamed of being different. At that time, the bullying and the intimidating situations I was put in made me think that I needed to change in order to be accepted by people. If I'm being honest with all of you, I did change for about a year to try and fit in with the people my age and I had never felt more depressed, alone and unhappy with myself in my life. After giving myself a reality check, I decided that instead of trying to change myself to please others I would work really hard to focus on MY happiness and MY well being in order to be happy in the skin that I was in. That process took a couple of years but with a lot of determination and a very positive attitude, I was finally happy and comfortable with being myself. Aside working very hard on myself, certain factors played a big role into me finally being satisfied and happy with who I was; Graduating high school which had to be the worst 4 years of my existence, having the most amazing parents which also happen to be the best support system in the whole world, changing my circle of friends in order to surround myself with  people who brought support and positivity into my life and meeting my now boyfriend of almost 3 years. Believe me when I say that being different is a blessing and it is truly wonderful. Embrace your uniqueness and love yourself! I can assure you that by being yourself and loving who you really are, you will do nothing but attract the best people in your everyday life and you will receive the gift of having real, meaningful friendships and relationships that will make you bloom into a person you never knew you could be.

You will never achieve happiness if you don't learn to love yourself for who you really are 

This is also very important.  How are you ever going to be happy in life if you are not totally in love with who you are as a person? The answer is; you will never be. If you try to change yourself to please the people around you, you will spend your entire life lying to yourself and being unhappy as a result of being someone you're not.  In simpler terms, that would suck. The best gift that can come from living an authentic life and loving who you are, differences and flaws included,  is that life will give you a soul mate and a best friend. Someone who will absolutely adore you and who you are as a person. They will love every inch of you and be in awe with you, so much so that they will question how god could ever have created such a perfect human being. And believe me that being loved for the person you truly are, not having to put up a front and not having to be someone different is the single most amazing and wonderful feeling in the world.

As I end this empowering blog, I want to remind each and every one of you that you are amazing and you are SO worthy of being loved by others. Being unique is a gift. Conforming to society isn't. Our world is going downhill wether we look at the health of our planet being the worst It's ever been or wether we look at the humans that live within it. It's sad, It's alarming and It's personally driving me crazy. People are becoming more and more of the same, people are losing their sense of integrity and are also losing all morals that make and shape our world into a better place. Most importantly, people are becoming ashamed of being different and are absolutely terrified to stand out. With that being said, be proud to be a good person, be proud to be unique and be proud to be yourself.


Anonymous said…
Im inspried

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