
Showing posts from March, 2018

2 reasons why you should be proud to be different

If you're someone that never really fit in with the kids in high school, someone who is more of an introvert than a extrovert and who would rather keep to himself or someone that feels happier alone or surrounded by a very small group of people, you've probably been considered different your entire life. It's sad to say but nowadays if you don't fit the society's idea of what a teenager or a young adult should be like, you're more than likely seen as an outcast. I myself have struggled with being different than most people my age my entire life and only roughly 2 years ago did I finally realize that being different is in fact a wonderful attribute and that I should be proud of being unique rather than try to change myself for the sake of others. The world needs more ''different''. Being different is beautiful and one of a kind  I can't put enough emphasis on this one. I've always been different than most girls my age as I honestly di

Customer Service; A big problem in our society

I’ve decided to make my much anticipated return to blogging as I’m sitting in New York’s JFK airport. I haven’t really felt the need to write about anything lately and I prefer not to waste your time by writing about meaningless things. Although today, I thought I needed to write about a topic that’s been highly preoccupying my mind as of late.  Bad Customer Service.  As we all know, customer service is present wherever we go; The grocery store, the pharmacy, the doctor’s office or even the Vet. The customer service I’ve received in the past couple weeks has been especially terrible. More than ever. I’m writing this blog in hopes that some of you will be able to relate to my frustrations.  The thing that bothers me most about bad customer service is that It’s so simple. It only requires 4 key components in a human being; Efficiency, responsibility, productivity and politeness. At the very least , I expect to be greeted wherever I step foot and I also expect to be talked to in